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Drill on Australian States
Why Australia is important in industrial sales.
SIZE: is the 13th largest economy in the world (7% of US)
SAFETY: has a low level of corruption (CPI 73/100, US=67)
SKILLS: a high level of education (HDI=0.924, US=0.9)
Its schools train many international students. Education is the third largest source of international sales.
BRAINS: a high level of innovation (GII#25, US=#2)
COMMUNICATION: English is the main language.
TRADE: It has a broad industrial base mostly focused on the strong mining sector because of many natural resources.
×Alexander Simoes, Cesar Hidalgo, et. al. See OEC - About., CC BY-SA 3.0
Australia has many small island territories which makes a large EEZ (exclusive economic zone).
×Lasunncty, CC BY-SA 4.0
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